Thursday, February 04, 2010

Wanted: non-political blogs

Yes, I know, the concept is hard to grasp. Think of them as being like blogs, but with a subject matter other than politics, and you may start to get the idea. Anyway, I want to read stuff outside my usual field of obsession. I want to read interesting people who have funny, insightful, articulate, sad, angry, delightful, unexpected, thought-provoking things to say about, well, life. And, if you please, I’d like your help in finding them.



Matt M said...

Rationally Speaking, The Meming of Life and Common Sense Atheism might be worth a look. I don't see them in your blogroll.

Thanks to your request, I've realised that pretty much all the blogs I read are either political or focus on atheism/religion.

Liam Murray said...

I've been trying, I really, really have. For some reason a general election year is diminishing my interest rather than stoking it.

In the meantime:

A couple of arty ones that I just find interesting - might bore you but....
Art & Perception
Creative Review

A blog on how creative types organise their day - sounds dull but isn't

Daily Routines

A friend of mine who writes well and produces good film & music reviews.

Words. Sentences. Stuff.

I know some guy who writes innuendo-laden posts about his stapler so I'll fire that link through later...

Trident said...

Tom, this link is to the winners of the Scottish Roundup Top personal/general blogs - I'm not going to comment on their quality. I have few non-political blogs on my blogroll - there is a point where you just can't take anymore politics, you have my sympathy.

Chris said...

You do know that interesting people who have funny, insightful, articulate, sad, angry, delightful, unexpected, thought-provoking things to say about, well, life sometimes also write books and stuff, don't you?

Anyhoo, semi-randomly - John Scalzi, author, CE Petit, lawyer and smart guy, Language Log, linguistics (this last one I'm guessing you know of, but these lists aren't just for you).

Tom Freeman said...

Thanks for the ideas, guys. I'll check them out. And yes, I am aware there there are other media than the internet, but I think time has caused me to forget how to operate a book. Although I seem to recall they have a fairly intuitive, user-friendly interface, so maybe I could pick the knack up again...

Unknown said...

My daily reads include "a weblog about the liberal arts 2.0", for Mac related tech stuff (I have no idea if that would interest you), for design and for, well, pictures.

Andrew said...

Yep, Kottke and Waxy are great for time-sapping interesting links. I also like Apathy Sketchpad, defective yeti (sadly infrequent these days) and Cabinet of Wonders. I've been reading Little Red Boat since the year dot, and there's the awesome Mind Hacks, which regularly eats up my day.

Looking at my Google Reader list, I'm surprised at how few personal blogs I follow, actually (outside of B4L, anyway). Must fix this.

Eunoia said...

You are certainly welcome to come over to my place, which however, may only meet your high standards about 10% of the time, he wrote sycophantically ;-)

Anonymous said...

Hey great post. Thought I'm not sure I agree with you 100%. Keep em coming. Are you interested in having anyone guest post opposing views?

Anonymous said...

I started a non political blog in late November that is doing much better than I anticipated. I started blogging and creating a website all at once. The website is and you can get to the blog from there.

The blog concept is a place to come for practical tips, tools, techniques and tactics to reinvent yourself with. i talk about self reinvention in a practical way for healthy people that wants some tips. In December, between the website and the blog i got over 1000 pageviews so that is way ahead of where i thought I would be first full month.

Come over and take a look, the blog is here on blogger